AI QR Codes - Now Available on BrightQR
• QR Ideas
BrightQR has added AI QR Codes in BETA to all users.
For a while we have been experimenting with AI Stable Diffusion QR Codes. We have now made them available to all users. The steps to create them are :
- Create and Save a QR code.
- Go to "Update QR Code".
- Enter your prompt text "Eg. A Cartoon Pizza, with tomato and Basil".
- Your QR Code will be queued and created.
What is different about BrightQR Codes? We run multiple iterations of each generated image. These are then tested for usability. Orange text suggests you may want to test the QR code before using in production.
Click Here to Create, Save and Generate AI QR Codes Now.
Mobile Phones and devices are incredibly good at recognising QR Codes, depending on your use case you may be able to use better looking QR codes that don't pass the usability test.